Raspberry Pi FlightAware: Conflict between FlightRadar and ...what?

I just reset my Raspberry ADS-B antenna as it suddenly stopped working.

I configure it from blank by installing FlightAware 8.2 (with MLAT) first, then RBfeeder (with MLAT) on in it. Until here, everything works.

As soon as I also install FlightRadar feeder (set as ModeS Beast, NO MLAT), every reboot of the Raspberry everything works except FlightRadar (well, sometimes it works for like the first 5 mins) who gives the error

FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process ... failed!

then I just relaunch manually FlightRadar with

sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

and everything works until the next reboot, when it happens the same.

I had the same setup before and I didn't had this problem, what might be the issue? Maybe I should not enable the MLAT for RBfeeder?

UPDATE: it's not RB fault!

I've just reset the antenna again.

I've installed PiAware from scrap then FlightRadar feeder straight away and I've the same issue: It works the first 3 mins after boot then it goes to

FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process ... failed!


sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

restore it. So it's a conflict between PiAware and FR.

I think the only solution would be to use Pi24 as a base but as I remember, it would lead to even more problems so I think I'll stick to my current setup and just restart manually FR every reboot when I'm physically at home...