Struggling w/ food. (I have cashapp)

I'm an 18y/o neurodivergent person, my mother is narcissistic and unemployed, and my father barely makes enough to feed himself, and we live with my grandfather who's beginning to show bad signs of dementia.

I rely on my brother and his girlfriend for food, and they also barely make enough to feed themselves, so i'm stuck out of luck.

thanks to past family drama, everyone eats seperately, so pulling our money together to buy groceries isn't something everyone would agree on at the moment.

I beg, i need food, I haven't eaten all day today, and I never know the next time I get the chance to eat.
My cashapp is $AshesAndFireee
I've had the same 15 cents on my card for months

Edits and notes to the comments:

EDIT: to anyone coming in my comments saying 'you're 18, go get a job, don't use neurodivergence as an excuse' etc.. what the hell dog?? I'm not, nor would I ever use neurodivergence as an excuse. I'm not getting a job because I CAN'T GET ONE. and i'm still a senior in highschool, and going anywhere far is an issue, because we do not have a car at the moment, it's breaking down.
I'm just hungry dude. I want to get groceries for myself and be able to do all the stuff financially able people can do. If you think i'm lying about that, scroll past my post, don't attack me in the comments for 'being lazy' when you don't know all of the situation.

EDIT 2: I made an amazon gift registry!

EDIT 3: Some of you really suck. I understand that scammers and lazy people do exist, but I am not one of them. I am freshly an adult, I'm still figuring stuff out on my own, and I don't get how some of you don't realize that people don't just gain the knowledge and resources to be able to provide for themselves. I also don't understand why you all would come into a subreddit full of people struggling, and berate them in the comments and immediately assumed that they haven't tried hard enough, or that they just need to get a job. In this economy especially, it's not just that easy. I'm glad that it's that easy for *you* (the majority of people in the comments), but it's not for most like myself. I'm a triple minority. (Neurodivergent, Person of color, LGBTQ+), so trust me when I say I have been trying for my entire life, Nothing is ever enough.

A lovely person mentioned that they'd help me, and 3 of you downvoted his comment. Why??? For what purpose????? If that guy is being truthful, he deserves all the upvotes in the world???? Do we just hate being kind people now? Is that the trend???? Are we rainers of parades???? Edit 3.5: Downvotes just kinda happen, although it still makes me salty that that guy had like, -5 downvotes, i'm not super pressed about it

I'm just trying to get help. If you don't have any genuine advice, or anything positive to tell me, please leave me alone. Ignore the post. I've done everything I could regarding my situation. I've been dealing with this for my entire life, so trust me, I've tried a lot of stuff.


Someone helped out a little!! W person, and thank you SO much!

I managed to get food yesterday night, admittedly not much because I had to get it from a convenience store, the only one in walking distance, but still, I got food!

In fact, for breakfast, i'm going to be having a fried egg over some rice, and some of the pringles I got as a snack.

I'll still be accepting help and genuine advice! considering my situation with jobs and stuff, so I don't get 'oh just apply for foodstamps!' act as if you're teaching a teenager what they can do to buy food