[DISCUSSION] Have you felt that your audience is diminishing on Fiverr?

Hello everyone, I’ ve been on Fiverr for almost four years now and I have always had a pretty consistent number of clients each months. It was kind of high for the type of gig that I’m doing, and I got a couple of “Fiverr’s Choise” badges here and there.

However, since Decembee, it all has turned upside down. For the first time ever in four years I’ve gone almost two consecutive weeks without a single clients. Not only that, but it’s now almost going to be a month that I haven’t had a single client, but also not a single new person reaching out to me.

This is extremely odd. Fiverr demoted me to a New Seller around six months ago due to my response rate (Which was also strange and customer service did nothing as always) but I didn’t lose neither clients nor orders.

I’m wondering if anyone’s having the same problem. The platform has changed a lot in the past year, and it was a bad platform to begin with. Seeing it go SO downhill is very sad because soon the gigs will be overrın by people who use AI to deliver less than average quality products. For example, I’m the person who created the specific gig that I have on my profile, meaning that it didn’t exist back when I started — now I have people who don’t know anything about the industry work with ChatGPT to create products. Not only mentioning that the gigs are all copy pastes of each other which I think means that the person behind each of those gigs is the same.

So yeah, I’ve been very troubled about this. Let me know about your thoughts

Note: Sorry for the insane amount of typos lol. I’m unable to fix them due to not having time, sorry for being hard to read