[DISCUSSION] I just moved up a Fiverr level. Very relieved and happy. I am sharing how I did it.

This may not be exciting advice to sellers who are already level 2 or TRS, but I want to give you the quick history that before this new success score, I was a level 2 seller for 10 years and TRS for 2 years. Level 2 was easy to keep BEFORE the new success score algorithm and TRS is even harder to keep. I also moved up one success score, so I am very happy about it. It means hope as a Fiverr seller.

Now, after the new success score overhaul, they moved me to level 1. I was never level 1 as a seller, so it was very heartbreaking. I was pissed. Now, I am back to level 2. I know for you level 2 sellers, this may not be a big deal, but for the sellers who were moved down to level 1 from a higher level, I think this will help. The success score is a comparison of how you compare to other sellers on Fiverr so it's obvious that they're holding every seller to a high standard compared other sellers in the same category. Unfortunately, this forces every seller to be on their "A" game. I guess that's a good thing for all of us, but it also is very nerve-wracking at the same time.

Firstly, I will advise, less IS more. I mean your gigs. Fiverr's gig system used to be that the more gigs you have, the better you have a chance of coming up in Fiverr search where you can offer more services or a variation of your main service. Not anymore!

Here is the secret that I found out the hard way: The more gigs you have, the more your success score is at risk, unless they all have a success score of 9 or 10. Mine did not. Your success score is a composite average of all of your individual gig scores, so for example, if you have 2 gigs: Even if your one gig score has a 10, a another gig score of 1 will drag it down to 5, dragging down your seller level. The trick: Pause the gigs that are performing terribly. They weigh down your entire score as a Fiverr seller. I know this sounds like a bad idea if you rely on that one gig to make money on Fiverr, but if you temporarily pause it and then fix it up, you can activate it again.

For my example, I had 10 activated gigs: 4 gigs that performed well and 6 that did not. Those 6 killed my success score. I did not know why until one day I clicked on "View Progress". That button appears on your seller dashboard. Fiverr tells you what is causing the low score. If you pause those poorly-performing gigs, your success score can rise in the next 45 to 60 days, maybe sooner.

That's It!

Biggest Causes For My Low Success Scores: Not following up with the buyer. Fiverr ways this pretty heavily. That means even after the gig was ordered, send the buyer a message every day until delivery. I was not.

Other Metrics Fiverr Evaluates your Success Scores:

Conflict-free orders

Effective communication

Value for Money

I did well in these metrics, but if you don't, definitely improve on them. Fiverr has an indicator "Room For Growth" for some of these metrics, so use that if you see it to improve your success score.

I hope this was insightful to some sellers here. I appreciate all the people who offer advice, so I want to offer some too.