Oh the dreams

Hello fellow wariors. I'm experiencing (PP) MS with somewhat unusual symptoms, which even leave my neuro confused.

So for starters I'm always more tired, wasted even, in the mornings and full energy in the evenings/at night. Which caused me to have huge problems with my sleep schedule and sleep quality.

Which was bad enough on it's own. However recently I started to have very weird(?) dreams. They are very and I mean it very real.

So my usual sleeping experience looks somewhat like this: instead of falling asleep I feel like I'm doozing out and loosing consciousness then I'm having very real dream, that doesn't really follow logic sometimes but it feels real and then waking up is somewhat between blinking in and out between reality and dream and getting face slapped left and right. And to top it of a wonderful feeling as if I would 0-ed a bottle of whisky day before ( I don't drink btw).

Do you all also have similar experience? Would you mind sharing in comments how it goes for you?

And to all of you who bothered to read it all, Have a good one