Didn't care of the age gap, I just wanted her.
I met my wife when I was 25 and she was 36 and from the start I just knew I wanted her. People had things to say about the age gap about her being a single mom even some parents and the community looked at us weird but none of it mattered to me. She had this calm and wise way about her never rushing into anything always thinking things through and I admired that so much and still do.
She is a practicing Muslimah and a really good one strong in her faith but never harsh always kind always patient and she brings so much peace into my life. And her son he is an amazing kid and from the moment I met him I never saw him as anything but mine. We do everything together from homework to movie nights to those deep random life talks kids somehow come up with and honestly he has made me a better person just by being in my life.
Although she's older then me she never made me feel like I'm less than her or immature. In fact she's very polite kind and feminine with me and it's adorable and I take her views and opinions on everything. We are true partners in this amazing life of ours.
Three years into this marriage and I still wake up every day knowing I made the best decision of my life and no matter what anyone thought back then or even now I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.