What was your biggest mess-up with your pet you still feel bad about?

Granted i was 10/11 when this happened so i guess the mess-up was more on my parents because i really couldn’t have done shit but anyways here’s my story:

when i was maybe 10 we went on a trip and left our doggies with a very trusted doggie daycare we knew personally. they stayed with her multiple times before and after this, so this incident was really just wrong place wrong time.

anyways my dad picks them up and they are 100% fine. all is fine and dandy for a few days until we notice one dog is a bit stinky. the thing was, she smelled RANK (i’m not kidding it was one of the worst things i’ve ever smelled) but other than the stank, she was completely normal. no sign of any pain.

so maybe a day and a half goes by and my dad decided to give her a bath, to get her stink out. he takes off her collars, and what he described will stay with me for life.

i never saw it, but he described it as “an infected, green stinky glob of pus” on her neck. we’re guessing she got it from playing with another dog at the daycare. it was so bad we had to throw away one of her collars. he got it cleaned up before i saw her and after a few days of anti-biotics, she was healed.

i feel pretty terrible for that one. the thing is, nothing was out of the ordinary. she never felt any pain, didn’t even itch her neck or anything. still a big mess up.

what about you?