I can’t post

In the LR snark group so I hope you don’t mind me posting in here. Anyways Lisa you are not 93 lbs. I’m 5’2” and 93 lbs and you are a lot taller than I am and I’m skinnier than you are. Quit trying to sound like you’re starving and losing weight because you’re at least 115+ lbs. You lie about the most obvious things and you seriously look and sound stupid when you do it. Quit insulting people’s intelligence because that also makes you look dumb. Stop with the nicey nice act because it’s literally so fake. You don’t care about anyone or anything except the money for your next fix. I can’t wait until you’re arrested and your 1.5 million humiliating videos about you on TikTok disappear. Get a job you 40 year old toddler