Adult Tai’s acting
I think all the teen/adult actor duos are amazing and I’m always so impressed by how much they resemble each other’s personalities and mannerisms. Special shout out to the Misty and Nat combos. But I think adult Tai has the most nuanced performance as far as bringing her teen self into her adult’s persona.
During the first season, I thought she was the most unlike her teen character and it made sense with her becoming a politician and the need to exemplify a certain type of person rather than your genuine self. And her relationship with Simone seemed like a semi-dysfunctional cry for normalcy rather than true love.
But as soon as she reunites with the girls, and especially with Van, teen Tai’s mannerisms, sense of humor, posture, and general personality come rushing back.
Again, the other pairs do an amazing job at being the same person, I just appreciate Tai’s added attention to how you present yourself to the world versus how you act around people you have history with. We all do it in some way or another, have personas for our family, job, friends, old friends, etc.
The others feel like they very much brought the wilderness back with them in a way that left them pretty unchanged inwardly. Would I have ever pictured Shauna as a housewife? No. But even as a housewife, she is very much the same Shauna in how she thinks and operates.
It’s fun to see scenes of adult Tai without Van, and then scenes with them together where I can go, “ah, there she is! Teen Tai’s still in there!”
So I guess ultimately this is a Tawny Cypress appreciate post.
Edit: sp