How to complain about a creepy invigilator?

Basically what the title says. Yesterday I had my exam and my driver was stuck in traffic so I had to wait a little. While I was sitting in the waiting area with other candidates I noticed this invigilator staring at me. I brushed it off and kept myself busy with my phone but this went longer than I expected. Now this dude, he wasn't even subtle about it- he actively tried to make eye contacts with me. Visibly uncomfortable I stood up and changed my spot but this mf went out of his way to stay in the line of my sight. Frustrated I left that waiting area, and went to the front gate to stand by the guard but this mf made his way there as well.

I pretended I'd forgetten something and went back inside and few minutes later he was was there. This went on for what seemed like ages until he finally left and I took a breath of relief- but I was so wrong.

Over 30 minutes passed and I was still waiting for my driver (I was the only person left in the venue now). I went to the gate to look for him and started talking to the guard who was a very respectful person. This is when I noticed the invigilator still hadn't left and was circling the area on his bike. When he saw me, he parked at a distance and once again started shamelessly looking at me. I quickly went back inside and 10 minutes later, my driver arrived. I immediately got into the car but as we started moving I saw the invigilator start his bike too.

I didn't think he would actually follow us but he did. He kept his bike very close to my car and continued staring. I looked back at him with what someone would describe as pure disgust and hatred but this mf was unfazed. I decided to inform my driver about what was going on and I'm so glad I did.

My driver first tested if he was actually following us by changing routes a few times and sure enough he stayed behind. Then the driver slowed down and glared at him, signaling him to pass us. Catching the cue, that my driver was onto him the invigilator pretended to park, but a few minutes later, he was tailing us again 😭 my driver clearly enraged slowed down until the invigilator was right beside us- besides my window shamelessly "sight-seeing" like it was the most casual thing to do. My driver quickly rolled down the window stuck his head out and just scowled at him.

Thankfully that was enough because the creep immediately went ahead and changed his route. To be careful we took a few extra turns and kept our eyes on the road but he was gone.

Now I’m concerned as I need to return for another exam. I would appreciate guidance on how to file a complaint or any other steps I can take to prevent this from happening again.

Edit: guys here the update on the creepivigalator post