What starters did you all pick in each gen ? And did they make you like them more / less ?
I find it really interesting how pokemon is a game that kinda just makes you really love pokemon just by using them . For eg I wasn't a big fan of the Magnemite line but after using one in w2 it's one of my all time favs . Same with basculegion in scarlet. Starters are wierd tho cause not all of em are made equally so I wanna see how's y'alls experience
For gen 1 - I have only ever used Bulbasaur . I would say it didn't make me like it more or any less . He's just a lil guy . I like him but don't love him . I don't particularly enjoy gen 1 games that might be a reason too tho .
For gen 2 - I have used all three in various playthroughts but I have only beaten the game with cindaquil . I have alot to say
Chikorita - my god does she suck . She maybe cute and bayleaf may be adorable but the early game is sooo rough lol but I still love her. She's basically gen 2 hard version I am hoping she gets some love in legends za . Mostly I have used her in crystal and silver I belive.
Cindaquil - like Bulbasaur but I like the whole cindaquil line more . I think he'd nest I think he's strong I wish he wasn't in love with whitneys milk tank . Also cutest overworld sprite in SoulSilver . Mostly I have used him in soul silver .
Totodile - not much experience with the lol guy but also mainly in soul silver . I really like him too feraligator is so cool and I like how all theee starters evolve at different levels . I like him but that's about it.
Gen 3 - I have only ever used treecko no matter how many times I played . Used to be my favorite pokemon and still a contender for it. Sceptile is so cool I wish he was slightly better but still not the worst playthrough experience especially in emerald . Also was my first starter ever so has a special place in my heart . Love the shiny . Love how much Personality the design has .
Gen 4 - only have ever used piplup and it made me really really really like empoleon I feel like he's such an underated starter design it's so different and cool the steal typing is so nice too . 10/10 would always pick piplup . Is a contender for one of my fav water types .
Gen 5 - only used snivy ( used oshawat but nit enough to mention it ) and again it's nice to have a grass type which isn't horrendous for 50% of the game . I have played majority of the both b/w and b/w2 and I don't have any problems with it . Def made me like serperior more . Again an other underated mon .
Gen 6 - never played but would choose frokie . Unite made me like Delphox too tho.
Gen 7 - I have never played the games a significant amount infact barely out of the tutorial and I picked litten for it . I would say the most balanced set of starters after gen 2 I love all of em . It's hard to consider which one is my fav . Deci is most likely my fav but not much much.
Gen 8 - never played cause of the starters I hate em all three of em . I had so much high hopes for sobble but inteleon is a dissapointment. Unite made me like him a bit but not much. If I were to play gen 8 game I would most likely just bench my starter for corviknight.
Gen 9 - only played through once but it is my fav game . Meowscarda (and koridon ) are the only two mons who challenge sceptile for me for my fav. Meowscarda is probably my fav Pokemon rn ( I don't like counting legendaries ) . So fun to use ingame such fun personality . The magician theme is so good . Def made me love meowscarda even more then before even tho I dont like sprigatito much. Fuecoco isn't bad but skele feels a bit off I do like him tho and quaxwel is my least or second least fav starter.
Legends Arceus - I have only ever started the game but idk I feel like cinda and rowlet base form evolutions are just better and samurot def is better in the new form but it's not Kuch different. I feel nothing for the starters and hope legends za isn't afraid to change the designs alot. I get it they didn't want the fan favs to loose there original charm but making downgrades/sidegrades didn't mske them loose their charm I want a totally different mon also didn't like how mid stages didn't change .
Legends za - for now my plan is def chikorita . She just needs love if they don't get new foems and get megas I will use totodile but I am hoping they get new evos .