Severance will be a very different show after this season
I love this show. I love it a lot and i still find it so entertaining and the most invested I am in TV right now. But I think this season is setting up the show for a big change for future seasons: the main thing being that our main cast/characters are going to change.
Much of this season was very very disappointing for Dylan and Irving. Did anyone else feel like they were totally sidelined this season? And I didn’t even think it was that big of an issue until looking back now and seeing how their subplots wrapped up and seeing where the Helena masking as Helly plot line progressed. I would be ok with them getting less screentime if it meant that Helly, Helena, Mark got a lot more character and plot development but they didn’t. Not a lot. The Helena masking as Helly plot line actually feels kind of like a cheap twist/thrill looking back on it now and a way to split the MDR team up and set us up for phasing Dylan and Irv as main characters in the show out. A lot of this first half of the season feels like filler now after seeing the conclusions pan out in episode 9.
I definitely feel like this last episode cemented the fact that this is the end of Team MDR. I think we’ll get plenty of Mark and Hellyna content and interactions moving forward but this definitely felt like an ending to the four of them as a friend group. And it wasn’t a very cathartic or satisfying end for team MDR either.
I am hoping I am completely and utterly wrong about this though. I want the writers to prove me wrong this finale and in season 3. I hope to god John Turturro changes his mind about not coming back.
On the bright side I think this episode cemented Milchick and Cobel as future core characters in this series and for me, Tillman and Arquette have the best acting chops of the cast and the most interesting characters thus far. So I have hope in their characters carrying the show in the coming seasons. I also think Devon is going to have a much bigger role coming up. She acted pretty strange this last episode to me so I definitely think there’s more to her character that meets the eye.
And a bit of an unpopular opinion but Innie Mark was probably one of the worst characters this season for me. It’s gonna sound harsh but he was pretty useless as a character this season. I think Adam Scott really got to show off his acting chops as outtie mark this season but unfortunately his plot line didn’t move much until episode 7. If Irving and Dylan are going to be phased out I’d actually be ok if Mark loses a bit more of his leading man role in the future since he’s one of the least interesting characters to me at this point. I know this statement is gonna get a lot of disagreement and my opinion is super unpopular though.