This subreddit. My goodness. In no particular order of my "stop making crazy theories out of very clear plot lines":

1) Irving has constantly been used as a character who experiences some bleed between innie and outie. His saying "I am ready" paralleling the "I'm not ready" in the garden scene in S1 does not indicate he is reintegrated or he isn't severed - it is just saying that the power of love and some piece of that memory bled through his severance. We do still have mysteries (his memory of the export hall, who he was on the phone with, etc) but this is not adding to those - this is just saying that the power of love won.

2) Jame preferring Helena eating the egg raw just means he's a weird ass old cult leader. She clearly owns an egg slicer and clearly has experience eating cooked eggs. It's just a preference, not proof she's Helly or she's pregnant, etc, etc.

3) "You tricked me." I don't even understand how people don't get this one. Jame is seeing Helly for the first time since the OTC and is saying that Helly tricked him into thinking she was Helena in the bathroom scene. I have no idea why people are questioning this moment.

4) It was very clearly Helly on the severed floor this episode. The walk, her attempt to memorize the floor plan, her care for Mark (that isn't weird/culty). This was clearly in the range of her character (trying to hang herself, chop off her fingers) however realizing that Milchick has no real power over her.

I could go on and on but I REALLY struggle with some of the deep grabs this sub has for this show. I totally get the criticism of the pace and some of the stretching this episode did - I'm totally on board with that vibe and I like coming to this sub to have some of those discussions but these deep, bonkers swings at theories are making me want to devour feculence.