I just found out that Indiana just cut all summer program funding for the entire state.
Do we trust the eclipse timer app or timeanddate?
This is a new one
“Asteroid the size of 89 wolverines to pass Earth Monday, March 25 - NASA”
Missing the 1x2 Android widget as of today...
How screwed am I? Online proctoring mistake
Megathread: Medication Shortages
"Blow the lungs out of the body" ammo
At a Glance Weather
Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (September 24, 2023)
TIL flat earth conspiracy theorists believe a conspiracy theory that the Flat Earth Society is a government controlled body to disprove flat earthers
Study Human Anatomy in Virtual Reality: The Lingual Nerve
Is using a competing job offer as leverage for a raise going to sour my relationship with an employer?
Reddit is battling moderators marking their communities NSFW
Pick your poison
Capitalism Is Ruining Video Games
Windows 11 is so broken that even Microsoft can’t fix it
Home Personal Care not getting paid
Is this dude physically incapable of not making clickbait?
WCGW trying to flee the scene of an accident
To sell a Katana
Easy 5-minute Mens Crafts
Trying to automate matching vulnerability info with remediation info
to ignore his warnings
She chose to ignore the warnings