Very Generic Question but which is your Favorite Robot Master? Like, no matter how stupid is the reason, Just tell me.
I'm playing through the OG Resident Evil for the first time
Can anyone guess my favorite game?
Steam Deck works with CAC reader (military)
Jien sent you a message with this picture of her that she needs you to go back to the Deep Sector, alone, without your Nikkes. Do you go?
"What are you playing this week?" Megathread
What's your favorite Elden ring weapon
THIS is how J. Jonah should always be written. A jerk with a heart of gold. Looking at you, MCU and Spider-Man 2 (2023).
Keanu Reeves has been inducted into the Green Lantern Corps! What living person is worthy of the Sinestro Corps? (No convicted criminals)
Oblivion PS3 appreciation post
Rundas won as Best Boss of Metroid Prime 3. The moment that no one was waiting for has finally arrived, who is the Best Boss of Metroid: Other M?
What episode is this scene from?
KH4 story revealed
You all were right 😍
My Aerith cosplay
How hard can it be to kill a monster that's brain is on the outside of its head?
I Thought Steam Sales were Supposed to Save Money. Only Got 6 Things and It's Over $600, Crazy...
Name a more iconic pose, i dare ya
After weeks of nonstop trial and error, fuck this challenge.
The Ultimate EmuDeck Beginner's Guide (No, Really)
This attire from Wonyoung reminded me of Nibelheim Tifa
Metroid SNES help! I'm stuck
They're building a Marker in my City