Should I take the paycut for a new job?
Should I take the pay cut for a new job? Job market 2025
Is it just me or 2025 is tougher then 2024 for getting interview calls
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How to not be stressed out about job possibly not working out? Difficult managers
Why is forecasting so hard?
Free tarot readings 3 card spreads only. Simple questions only
Why do I not want to leave?
AIO for breaking up with boyfriend of 3 years over him planning coffee date with coworker
Going to end it
Sex ruined everything? -He’s back !
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How to tell new DM that how they are playing is not okay?
Show me a picture of your cat, and I’ll draw ‘em!
Biweekly Exchange and Reading Requests
Effort/Time needed for Data Science not recognized/valued
Managers, how can I tell my manager I can't complete task with road blocks?
Sister denied support from DV center
How do you all stay sane in a restrictive work environment?
How do you deal with a “Sr. Analyst” who doesn’t know basic SQL?
What’s the worst or most unpleasant physical sensation there is?
Am I in the wrong or red flag?
INTJ body language not matching my words
boyfriend basically told me to get my life together