Y'all will hate but I'm telling you, this ain't bad
This one's actually decent
Looking for genetic apex ♦️♦️♦️ Butterfree , Beedrill, moltres, articuno, magneton, jolteon, hypno, kabutops, nidoking, muk, aerodactyl, snorlax. Everything down the bottom is for trade
3 Diamond card
LF Venasaur FT picture
LF Venasaur, FT in pic
LF ♦️♦️♦️ Venasaur and Gyrados to finish GA
LF: Muk
LF: Melmetal or Snorlax (GA)
Gyrados, Venasaur and Executor♦️♦️♦️
Y'all think I should run 2 marshadow or 2 sudowudoo (1 version of the other)
Choose a number between 1-1024 and I'll give you a superpower in my notes.
LF GA 3♦️ Charazard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Executor, Gyrados and Ditto to complete the set
LF Magmortar
Looking for a Serperior
LF 3D Jolt, Vile, Rai, Mew
Lf: Exeggutor, Blastoise, Zapdos, Eelektross, Gengar, Ditto
LF Golem, Machamp, and Lucario
Looking for Celebi EX for any of these: 3263-2740-1005-4483
Support has left me high and dry, can anyone tell me where I've gone wrong with Immersive Mew?
Feel like the deck isn’t very fast when I can’t get manaphy out in the start, any suggestions?
Looking for Lucario Full Art and Golbat Full Art