Evolution is empty
Primary driving force behind evolution?
Another question about DNA
Most federally-dependent region of Washington State, deep Red 4th Dist., facing reality.
Why do young women in Seattle look like Frodo from Lord of the Rings?
I'm Actually Really Rethinking Evolution Here...
A question for YECs is why would there be so much evidence for evolution if evolution doesn’t happen?
Evolution can be proven with very little evidence
Name this trio
Do Young Earth Creationists Generally try to learn about evolution?
CMV: Extrinsic auricular muscles have not any relevant function in humans
What are good challenges to the theory of evolution?
Have creationists come out with new arguments
Clin opens up about his mental health to Brine and Barndoor
Best cheeseburger
Everything is on fire. Mods are tired. We need more muscle, but who/how/where is up in the air. Ideas?
Decoding the Seattle Freeze
How do evolution deniers react when they see a gorilla’s hand?
Asexual Animals Are A Problem For Noah's Ark
What is the State of the Debate?
How do creationists explain dinosaur footprints?
What are your best "for dummies" short translations of rebuttals to common creationist arguments?
Do Young Earth Creationists know about things like Archaeopteryx, Tiktaalik, or non mammalian synapsids?
Clin science fiction corner
I'm not a creationist but I'm not buying evolution