What to do when feeling fatigue?
How do you pass the time if you're not working like me?
Ms can be lonely, so why not join a small community🧡
Can I get written up/fired for this?
Newly Diagnosed and look for advice
Tecfidera Nausea
Fatigue fight
Oh the dreams
Vaping/ Smoking & MS
When do you tell someone you’re dating you have MS?
Cost of private insurance with MS?
MS & cats.. Do most have cats ?
For those with LARGE spinal lesions
People Making Assumptions because of MS
I feel like I can't date again
Dx with RRMS
Thanks to a long conversation with the doctor, got diagnosed with MS (Spinal Only)
Cold & Flu season
Am I just lazy?
What do I do...
Do you still have MS?
MS Fatigue Kinda Sucks (Annoyed)