This season's Um Actually
[CR Media] The cofounders of nerdworld giant Critical Role are expanding in 5 areas. Here's an inside look at their master plan.
It seems that Fall Out Boy are fans of Make Some Noise
Can someone explain?
Who is a TV presenter that seems to be universally loved, but you absolutely hate?
City centre
Would you say that Manchester city centre is as busy, or is getting as busy as central London now?
Cleaning Companies around Manchester (City centre) - Any recommendations?
c3 is coming to an end - let's celebrate
Critical Role C3 E110 Live Discussion Thread
Rightmove Credit Check not working - even though I have access to my report.
Have been waiting for this!
Never Stop Spworming
I’ve decided that Dropouts fan base is TOO wholesome so I’m here to hate.
Best Dropout One-Liners?
Have been advised to avoid Budapest. Is this true?
AITA for eating at the children I babysit for's house?
[DISCUSSION] Blue Eye Samurai (2023) is the best show right now.
Critical Role C3E78 Live Discussion Thread
CritRoleStats Announcement (shutting down) (November 2023) — CritRoleStats
My take about Bells Hells campaign
Facing Severe Financial Crisis Due to Unexpected Rent Increase
WIBTA for choosing sides in an argument/fight between my two best friends
AITA for asking my girlfriend to change her alarm tone because it made me feel infantilised?
AITA for not wanting to be told what to wear?