Watch this before you judge someone
Mumford and Sons - EVERY SONG EVER! [Parody]
Kat in 2 Broke Girls, S5E7 (Maid Costume)
Kristen Bell
Det är dags för partyknarkandet att få livsavgörande juridiska konsekvenser- tankar?
Macka för 99 :- på EspressoHouse
‘The White Lotus’ Hit a Season High 3.4 Million Viewers on Sunday – Currently 78% Higher Viewership Than Season 2
Trump increasing Tariffs on Canada metals from 25% to 50%
God forbid free trade between countries
Amouranth reveals husband for first time to explain what happened when armed thieves attacked her - Dexerto
50% tariffs på Kanada imorgon!
He was right, I hate winning...
SERIOUS: Astronomers make Mars discovery 'like nothing seen before' in breakthrough that hints at ancient life
Min pappa (höger) träffade den världsberömda sångaren Chris Kläfford (till vänster) när han gick till Systembolaget för att köpa en massa öl, fantastisk bild!
My dad (right) met the worldfamous singer Chris Kläfford (left) while going to Systembolaget to buy alot of beer, awesoem photo!
Sean Webb showing some more of Joe Mcmoneagle’s Mars pictures that prove someone was there.
Inside you there are two Ulfs
Putin's Pork
What movie actually inspired you to start exercising / move your ass?
What is the most exotic kink you’ve been introduced to by a person you’ve actually met?
Former Social Security Chief Warns Musk’s Meddling Could Lead to System Collapse
Vad ska man köpa i dess turbulenta tider?
Trudeau: "Donald, this is a very dumb thing to do"
[OTHER] Has there been any reporting on whether or not KCD has increased tourism? Heck I’m all about visiting Prague this year!
Am I an Immortal Being?