So, I had a dream that Death Battle released a fight between Chibiusa from Sailor Moon and Mephiles The Dark from Sonic 06 for some reason. And the pink girl won in an uphill battle, despite Mephiles turning into his Sun God form.
Another match ups swap post: Sauron Vs Dragonborn and Chosen Undead Vs Lich King. Who should win each of these?
"Hulk/Bleach/Asura fans are SOOOOO salty" Ever think maybe they're not ACTUALLY that salty just because they disagree with a verdict? Hell, they stopped saying "Let's end this debate once and for all" for a pretty good reason.
What's that Death Battle argument that you will never agree with?
Why did the Powerpuff trailer blow up? Why did everyone decide to talk about it, we knew it existed, and knew everything about it from the script that already leaked......... Do we just love making ourselves even more miserable?
Amy Rose vs Elphelt Valentine (Sonic vs Guilty Gear) | "Love Deluxe" - (CONNECTIONS + SFM Art)
I'm bored so how would you react if this happaned?
Take your favorite Death Battle quote/interaction and staple "I'm going to feed you your own heart" to it. Let's see how great or badly it fits.
What are some moments where the loser had so much aura you couldn't help but root for them?
Sonic platform fighter roster
Replace a word in a Death Battle Quote with "Batman"
I hate Transformers scaling so much...... It's genuinely more infuriating than DC and Marvel scaling (In my VERY personal opinion) (This may or may not be a hot take)
If SpongeBob fought comic book Aquaman instead, how much would the outcome have changed?
“Godzilla Ultima Novelization tho..”
um guys Shigaraki is also a smash player
Next Death Battle Cast confirmed
What three characters would make up the "Evil Trio" of cartoons?
I kid you not I thought yall where just trolling😭
Characters that HATE HATE HATE
The real reason why Hulkzilla is a stomp
What are some great/pretty good episodes made out of mid to terrible match ups?
Brother has to go through the gauntlet
Kratos Vs Mario
Asura Vs Sonic The Hedgehog