Kinda Interesting, my local Panera has 802.11b advertised as high speed internet
Giving up on PleX
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theaters, and if so what film?
What are some movies where the title doesn’t really fit?
What movie is this for you? That you think is brilliant but the popular opinion is "zzzzzzz"
OPINION: These 3 haven't topped their first films, and I doubt they ever will
Is this the best option for NAS for around $1k?
Getting rid of gravel, what to put instead
Actors you can’t decide how you feel about them
Who remembers this movie
Alternative device?
Favorite time an actor wasn't "Faking It"
Thoughts about this movie?
I am at an event and I saw a stand with network cards
People who like this movie, why? And why do you think a lot of people don't
If you’ve seen The Substance, are you a fan of the ending?
What is the most difficult thing about owning a home?
Movies that make you say what the actual fuck
Is there a way to disable Plex's own streaming service as a source option?
Fast OS under $1000
What movie do you think is great but most people haven’t seen?
What is the most efficient way to achieve 20tb of storage on a mini PC for a Plex server?
Movies that you only watch when you're sick?
Shrek and Donkey have been redesigned for ‘SHREK 5’
Who would you have wanted Ahnold to play if he did get in the MCU?