Any idea what's happening with my colours in dark areas?
Laptop videos / pictures with glow on black background smudging pixels - Asus G14
Jest noob question about async pages
Free Casual Football Tonight?
What’s the new pulled pork?
Back when season 1 of squid games became super popular in the west, were people watching the dub or the sub by default?
Noob question, what difficulty level is right if you accidentally to the welcome back bonus
End a debate. Who is the 'most Scottish' celebrity you can think of (alive in the last 10 years)?
One spot free in a casual 4-a-side tonight.
Who is a TV presenter that seems to be universally loved, but you absolutely hate?
Why is little Britain seen as more controversial/offensive than other similar shows from the same time?
Anyone know what’s eating my lemons peels?
Does it get easier? Had a bad lesson
State manager in Nextjs ?
Did you hear about the cheese factory in France that exploded?
When you go into a pub, what's an immediate giveaway to you that it's an absolute dive?
What is the most “rewatchable” TV series?
What great video game was lost to the sands of time?
Driving test tomorrow and feel like I am going to absolutely crumble.
Having instructor in car during test?
feel like it's impossible
does anyone else find they’re nervous as hell leading up to their lessons?
Come play football
I guess I should expect this stuff in rookie league
How different is the actual theory test from the mock tests?