Tesla rebranding continues... in a theater near you.
Still care about integrity violations?
How to create English assignments that discourage AI (online asynchronous)
Sad truth
As I sit here and watch the stock market ruin my day (I know I should not be looking) I was wondering if there is anyone in here that was investing using FIRE methods in the market pre 2008 and kept throwing money in all the way through? If so how did you steel your nerves and keep plowing forward?
Intense chest pain caused by anxiety/panic attack?
Ai hallucinating my example reference
US pauses military aid to Ukraine, media reports
Trumpism Isn’t Working - As a checked-out president sits back and lets Elon Musk shred the civil service, the signs of economic calamity are growing—and Americans of all stripes are getting pissed off.
Jobs that are low stress but pay average $50-$60k?
Left teaching and oddly have no teaching “friends” left
Well, this is going to go well. Dept of Education opens 'End of DEI' portal
Student expelled for gen AI use - sues University of Minnesota. Seeks $575k + reinstatement + atty fees
Handwritten AI?!
How to catch obvious AI student posts that register less than 95% AI
Need help deciding between two faculty positions…
If it’s your data, why don’t you own it?
American academics, why aren’t you in the streets?
Question, what do you tell your kids?
Hot take: this is an amazing time to be a prof
People who quit their high-paying jobs to pursue happiness—how did it turn out?
New prof here: How to stop caring what the students think of you?
Someone asked why some educators think AI is a great tool. Allow me to summarize.