was her character good? no. but was her plotline compelling? also no. but did I enjoy her time on the show? again no. but would I watch more of her character? also no.
Best Part of C3
was it always like this?
Imogen the main character
Let's celebrate the end of C3...
[Spoilers C3E116] Wizards
Critical Role C3 E116 Live Discussion Thread
Critical Role C3 E115 Live Discussion Thread
Predictions for C2 Animated cut scenes and changed plotlines
Critical Role C3 E114 Live Discussion Thread
Which main character do you think will the audience vote for in the live show?
Bells Hells already irrelevant
[C3E78] Am I crazy or is everyone MASSIVELY overreacting to this shard stuff?
Critical Role's 10-Year Anniversary Live Show Lineup!
I miss Travis being relevant
c3 is coming to an end - let's celebrate
M9 vs BH?
[LOVM S3] Percahlia concerns
gimme the truth
[Spoilers C3E108] C3 Discussion
[No Spoilers] Can someone explain why so many people who claim they are fans of CR treat the people in CR so badly?
Orym stepping up would be the saving grace of this campaign
Critical Role C3 E108 Live Discussion Thread